Just Graduated?

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Are you a new grad? Geared up and ready to face the work world? Or are you just trying to have one more summer of freedom? Either way, you can do a few things to help progress that first “real world” job search!

First, update your college resume. Now is the time to clear off any high school jobs (unless they relate to your chosen field) and focus on your education, internship experience, leadership skills acquired, and awards you might have won during your college career.

Second, do you have a job search plan? How will you get where you want to go if you have no road map? Have you researched the companies you want to work for potentially? Do you know what openings for which they are seeking applicants? Do you see a job opening that might help you get your foot in the door? Did you check your social networks to see if someone you know works there? Create a plan for the jobs and networking you plan to do each week.

Next, take a good hard look at your social media profile. When recruiters go looking for you online, what will they find? Clean up questionable posts or increase security settings on your account so they don’t put a damper on your qualifications. And set up a professional LinkedIn profile that you promote as part of your personal branding. Steering recruiters in the right direction will truly help your chances.

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